Oct 2023 Denver Chapter Luncheon – PM Scary Stories and how to overcome the ghosts of our past

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Date(s) - 10/24/2023
11:15 am - 1:00 pm

Denver PPA Event Center


Join the Denver Chapter of NARPM® for our monthly luncheon/meeting.

October Networking Event

Scary Stories of Property Managers Past

11:15am – 1:00pm

Join us for a fun event with your fellow Property Managers and Vendor Affiliates learning about cringe worthy stories from the crypt! In spirit of the season we will be decorating, have lots of candy AND AWESOME PRIZES.

We will be giving away $100 Amazon Gift Card to the best SCARY/SPOOKY story submitted. Odds of winning are greater if you submit your story in advance.
Use this link to submit your BEST SCARY industry story for your chance to win. (Multiple stories can be submitted)




This is a great opportunity for vendors to get involved. Please reach out to Rudy our Affiliate Chair for more information at [email protected] 



All luncheon online registrations will be available through 5PM 10/13/23 at the EARLY BIRD RATE, at which time the registration cost will increase. Those missing the deadline may pay $50.00 online thru the Monday before event. There will be a limit of 8 walk-in spots available at the door.
Thank you to this Month’s Preferred Sponsors:
Gold Affiliate Sponsors

Silver Affiliate Sponsors
